The Nikko City International Association bulletin is issued annually. As well as introducing exchange projects and reporting on events, it also publishes citizens’ impressions of personal exchange experiences and articles about countries around the world. The fun atmosphere of the exchange projects that the association runs is evident through its many publications. Additionally, notices and information are published. People who wish to receive the bulletin can apply through the enquiry form on this homepage.
日光市国際交流協会会報 vol.19【2016年3月発行】
■PDF形式 全8ページ(各データ約4~5MB)
2-3頁(特集1 ラピッド市公式訪問団受入)
4-5頁(特集2 中高生ラピッド市派遣者アンケート)
6-7頁(2015年9月~2016年3月 活動報告)