協会の目的 Aims of the NCIA
Along with the large number of foreign tourists that visit each year, over 1,000 foreign residents from various countries live in Nikko City. The NCIA aims to, while making use of this special characteristic, create an association which is planned and managed by its members. It aims to conduct activity at the grassroots level through its Multicultural Section, Sister City Section, and Event Section, as well as deepen understanding of different cultures, and create a city that nurtures people who are internationally minded and have a stronger global awareness.
部会紹介 NCIA Sections
◇Multicultural Section
Regional cooperation projects with Utsunomiya University, support for foreign residents, and production of our annual newsletter.
◇Sister City Section
Exchange with Sister City.
◇Event Section
International exchange party, Halloween party, and cultural understanding courses.
実施事業 Main Activities
◇Exchange with Sister City
High school student exchange, homestays, and events with Rapid City, South Dakota, United States.
◇Projects for International Understanding and Cultural Understanding
International understanding workshops for parents and children /middle and high school students, lectures, and field-trips.
◇Projects for Japanese Cultural Awareness
Various Japanese cultural workshops, events about Japanese cultural understanding.
◇Support Projects for Foreign Residents
Japanese language classes, networking, information exchange, etc.