Publishing a Sinhara study dictionary!
The Association for the Creation and Development of Night Schools in Tochigi published “Junior High School Subject Voocabulary Books” (Japanese ⇒ Sinhara) on December 20, 2024 through a project utilizing JICA funds. The study terms in junior high school textbooks (mathematics, English, geography, science) are teanslated into Sinhara. If you would like to obtain a copy of this vocabulary book, please contact us at the following address. The glossary is free of charge, but we ask that you bear the postage costsfor sending it by mail. We ask for your understanding and coopertion in this regard.
For more infomation👉ネパール語完成版
代表 田巻 松雄
メールアドレス tamakimmm@yahoo.co.jp
電話番号 090-7731-9345
Contact information
The Association for the Creation and Development of Night Schools in Tochigi
Representative: Matsuo Tamaki
E-mail address tamakimmm@yahoo.co.jp
Tel 090-7731-9345